We can fix any title defect you throw at us.


Experience You Can Count On

Have you been notified that your property’s legal description is flawed?

Are there erroneous mortgages or liens registered against your property’s title?

Or is your property stuck in the old paper Registry System because the government feels its title history is problematic?

Whatever the issue is, we have the experience necessary to assist you.

What Is Title Rectification, And Why Is It Important?

Put simply, “title rectification” is the process of uncovering the underlying legal reason for a property’s title issue and then taking all steps necessary to fix it.

Title rectification is important because a lingering title issue may make it difficult, prohibitively expensive, or even impossible to otherwise deal with, sell, or mortgage a property.

If you know or suspect that you have a lingering title issue, please reach out to us for assistance. We’d love to help you rectify it.

What Does A Lawyer Do In A Title Rectification Matter?

The scope of legal work involved in a title rectification matter varies from property to property, but, in general, will include:

  • An initial appointment to discuss your title issue.
  • A full title search of the property.
  • Corresponding with the Land Registry Office, other municipal and provincial agencies, surveyors, previous owners of the property, and owners of neighboring properties.
  • A review of your existing/new survey/reference plan (if applicable).
  • The drafting of all documents necessary to rectify title.
  • A second appointment to sign any requisite documents.
  • The registration of all documents necessary to rectify title.

How Much Will Legal Representation Cost Me?

Because the process of title rectification is complex and unique to each property, it’s impossible for us to give you a definitive quote for our legal fees at the outset. However, if you’d like us to provide you with an approximation based on the facts specific to your situation, please send us a detailed description of your title issue.