Jordan Overholt

Founder, JTOverholt

Jordan Overholt

Founder, JTOverholt




Born and raised in London, Ontario, Jordan understands his hometown’s unique legal needs.

After graduating with honors from the University of Western Ontario, Jordan moved north to study law at Queen’s University. After obtaining his law degree, he worked for several years with experienced counsel on a variety of real estate, corporate, commercial, succession planning, family, and civil litigation files. Then, with his experience and entrepreneurial mindset, Jordan set out on his own to build a legal practice tailor-made for the London community–one focused on providing residents with affordable real estate, business, family, and criminal defense legal services.

Outside of law, Jordan is an avid hiker, camper, and nature photographer.


Ryerson University, Law Practice Program
Queen’s University, Juris Doctor
The University of Western Ontario, Honors Bachelor of Science


Over the course of his career, Jordan has completed thousands of residential and commercial real estate purchase, sale, and refinance transactions. Additionally, he has assisted a countless number of clients with the drafting of real estate purchase and sale contracts, trust agreements, joint venture agreements, residential and commercial leases, and with the completion of many title rectification and land severance transactions. He has also handled many corporate/commercial and succession-planning files for high-net-worth individuals.

Leadership , Membership & Honors

Member, Law Society of Ontario
Member, Middlesex Law Association
Member, East Elgin Sportsmen’s Association